GW1 Outdoor Isolation Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. The altitude above sea level: 2000m 2. The ambient air temperature: -40℃~40℃ wind speed does not exceed 35m/s. 3. The earthquake intensity does not exceed 8 degrees. 4. The working situation is without frequent violent vibration. 5. The installation site of ordinary type isolator s hould be kept away from gas, smoke chemical deposition, salt-spray fog, dust and other explosive and corrosive maters that affect seriously insulation and conduction capability of...GN30-12 Indoor Isolation Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. The altitude does not exceed 1000m; 2. Ambient air temperature: -10 ℃ ~+40 ℃; 3. Relative humidity: daily average value is not greater than 95%, monthly average value is not greater than 90%; 4. Contamination grades: no serious dust, corrosive and explosive material place; 5. Earthquake intensity: do not exceed 8 degree; No regular violent vibration place. Technical data Product specifications Parameter GN30-12/ 400-12.5 GN30-12/ 630-12.5 GN30-12/ 1000-1...GW1 Outdoor Isolation Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. The altitude above sea level: 2000m 2. The ambient air temperature: -40℃~40℃ wind speed does not exceed 35m/s. 3. The earthquake intensity does not exceed 8 degrees. 4. The working situation is without frequent violent vibration. 5. The installation site of ordinary type isolator s hould be kept away from gas, smoke chemical deposition, salt-spray fog, dust and other explosive and corrosive maters that affect seriously insulation an...GW5 Outdoor Isolation Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. The ambient temperature: upper limit +40℃,lower limit -40 ℃; 2. Altitude: no more than 3000m; 3. Wind speed: not more than 35m/s; 4. Earthquake intensity: do not exceed 8 degree; 5. Pollution level: no more than III; 6. No severe vibration, no corrosive gas, no fire, no explosion danger place. Technical data Item Parameters Unit GW5- 40.5 GW5-72.5 GW5-126 GW5-145 Rated voltage kV 40.5 72.5 126 145 Rated current A 630/1250/1600/2000 Rated frequenc...GN19-12 Indoor Isolation Switch
Technical data Model Rated voltage (kV) Maximum voltage (kV) Maximum current (A) 4S thermal stability current (kV) Dynamic stability current (kV) GN19-10(C)400-12.5 10 11.5 400 12.5 31.5 GN19-10(C)630-20 10 11.5 630 20 50 GN19-10(C)1000-31.5 10 11.5 1000 31.5 80 GN19-10(C)1250-40 10 11.5 1250 40 100 Overall and mounting dimensions(mm)GW4 Outdoor Isolation Switch
Selection Technical data Item Unit Parameters GW4- 40.5 GW4- 72.5 GW4- 126 GW4- 126G GW4- 145 Rated voltage KV 40.5 72.5 126 126 145 Rated current A 630 1250 2000 2500 630 1250 2000 2500 4000 630 1250 2000 2500 630 1250 1250 2000 2500 Rated short-time withstand current (RMS) KA 20 31.5 40(46) 20 31.5 40(46) 20 31.5 40(46) 20 31.5 20 31.5 40(46) Rated peak withstand current (peak) KA 50 80 100(104) 50 80 100(104) 50 80 100(104) 50 80 50 80 100(104) Rated short-time withstand...