FLN36 Indoor SF6 Load Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Air temperature Maximum temperature: +40℃; Minimum temperature:-35℃. 2. Humidity Monthly average humidity 95%; Daily average humidity 90%. 3. Altitude above sea level Maximum installation altitude: 2500m. 4. Ambient air not apparently polluted by corrosive and flammable gas, vapor etc. 5. No frequent violent shake. Technical data Ratings Unit Value Rated voltage kV 12 24 40.5 Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage kV 75 125 170 Common value Acro...FZN21/FZRN21-12 Indoor Vacuum Load Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Altitude: no more than 1000m; 2. The environment temperature: upper limit +40℃, lower limit -30℃; 3. Relative humidity: daily average value is not greater than 95%, monthly average is not greater than 90%; 4. Saturated steam pressure: daily average value is not higher than 2.2×10 -3 Mpa, monthly average is not higher than 1.8×10 -3 Mpa; 5. No severe vibration, no corrosive gas, no fire, no explosion danger place. Technical data Item Unit Parameter Techn...FZW32-12(40.5) Outdoor Vacuum Load Switch
Selection Features FZW32-12 (40.5) type outdoor high voltage isolating vacuum load switch adopts the vacuum arc extinguish chamber, no explosion danger, no maintenance. The load switch isolation knife linkage with a three-phase vacuum interrupter, breaking and closing operation in good same period, and with reliable isolation fracture when breaking, namely has the function of isolation switch. Most of the switch body parts are made of stainless steel materials, the base frame is made by stai...FZN25/FZRN25-12 Indoor Vacuum Load Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient air temperature: upper limit +40℃, lower limit -25℃ (allow storage at – 30℃), 24h average value is not higher than +35℃; 2. Altitude: no more than 1000m; 3. Relative humidity: daily average value is not greater than 95%, monthly average is not greater than 90%; 4. Earthquake intensity: do not exceed 8 degree; 5. The surrounding air is not corrosive and flammable gas,steam and other significant pollution; 6. No regular violent vibration; 7. Cont...FZW28-12F Outdoor Vacuum Load Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Altitude: ≤ 2000 meters; 2. Environment temperature: -40℃ ~+85℃; 3. Relative humidity: ≤ 90% (25℃); 4. The maximum daily temperature difference: 25℃; 5. Protection grade: IP67; 6. The maximum ice thickness: 10mm. Technical data Item Unit Parameter The switch body Rated voltage kV 12 Power frequency insulation withstand voltage (Interphase and phase to ground / fracture) kV 42/48 Lightning impulse withstand voltage (Interphase and phase to groun...Medium and high voltage products are electrical equipment designed to handle voltages above the standard household voltage of 120V. These products are used in a variety of applications, including power generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as industrial and commercial settings.