JN22-40.5/31.5 Indoor Grounding Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient temperature:-10~+40℃ 2. Altitude: ≤1000m 3. Relative humidity: Day average relative humidity ≤95% Month average relative humidity ≤90% 4. Earthquake intensity: ≤8degree 5. Appliable in the place without corrosive, flammable gas and water place 6. With no frequently intense vibrant place around. Technical data Item Units Data Rated voltage kV 35 Maximum voltage kV 40.5 Rated short time withstand current kA 31.5 Rat...ZN63(VS1)-24 Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Selection ZN63 - 24 P / T 630 - 25 HT P210 Name - Rated voltage(KV) Pole type / Operating mechanism Rated current(A) breaking current(KA) - Rated short-circuit Installation Main circuit wiring direction Indoor vacuum circuit breaker - 24:24KV No mark: Insulating cylinder type P: Solid-sealing type / T: Spring type 630 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 - 20 25 31.5 40 HT:Handcart type FT:Fixed type P210 P275 Note: Zn63 (S) adopts a double spring integral mechanism by default. If...ZN63(VS1)-12S Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker (P...
Selection ZN63(VS1) - 12 P T 630 - 25 HT P210 Name Rated voltage(KV) Pole type Operating mechanism Rated current(A) Rated short-circuit breaking current(KA) Installation Phase spacing Indoor vacuum circuit breaker 12:12KV P:Solid -sealing type T: Spring type 630, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150, 4000 20, 25, 31.5, 40 HT: Handcart FT: Fixed type P150, P210, P275 Note: ZN63(VS1)-12P adopts a double spring integrated mechanism by default. If a single spring...XL Low Voltage Power Distribution Cabinet
Selection Operating conditions 1. Environmental Conditions1.Installation Site: Indoor; 2. Altitude: No more than 2000m. 3. Earthquake lntensity: No more than 8 degrees. 4. Ambient Temperature: No more than +40℃ and no less than -15℃ . Averagetemperature is no more than +35℃ within 24 hours. 5. Relative Humidity: the average daily value is no more than 95%, the averagemonthly value is no more than 90%. 6. Installation locations: without fire,explosion danger,serious pollution,chemical corros...FLN36 Indoor SF6 Load Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Air temperature Maximum temperature: +40℃; Minimum temperature:-35℃. 2. Humidity Monthly average humidity 95%; Daily average humidity 90%. 3. Altitude above sea level Maximum installation altitude: 2500m. 4. Ambient air not apparently polluted by corrosive and flammable gas, vapor etc. 5. No frequent violent shake. Technical data Ratings Unit Value Rated voltage kV 12 24 40.5 Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage kV 75 125 170 Common value Acro...ZW32-24 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient air temperature: The daily temperature variation: -40℃ ~+40℃ diurnal variation of temperature less than 25℃; 2. Altitude: no more than 2000 meters 3. Wind speed is no more than 35m/s (equivalent to 700Pa on the surface of the cylindrical); 4. Ice cover thickness no more than 10mm; 5. The intensity of sunshine not more than 1000W/m ² 6. Pollution degree no more than GB 5582 IV class 7. Seismic intensity does not exceed 8 class 8. No flammable, explosi...