ZW32-12 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Selection Operating conditions 1. The environment temperature: upper limit +40℃, lower limit -30℃ 2. Altitude ≤ 2000 meters 3. Wind pressure: no more than 700Pa (corresponding to the wind speed 34m/s) 4. Earthquake intensity: do not exceed 8 degree 5. Pollution grade: III class 6. Maximum daily temperature: less than 25℃ . Technical data Item Unit Parameter Voltage, current parameters Rated voltage kV 12 Rated short time power frequency withstand voltage (1min) kV 42/48 Rated l...JN22-40.5/31.5 Indoor Grounding Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient temperature:-10~+40℃ 2. Altitude: ≤1000m 3. Relative humidity: Day average relative humidity ≤95% Month average relative humidity ≤90% 4. Earthquake intensity: ≤8degree 5. Appliable in the place without corrosive, flammable gas and water place 6. With no frequently intense vibrant place around. Technical data Item Units Data Rated voltage kV 35 Maximum voltage kV 40.5 Rated short time withstand current kA 31.5 Rat...XL Low Voltage Power Distribution Cabinet
Selection Operating conditions 1. Environmental Conditions1.Installation Site: Indoor; 2. Altitude: No more than 2000m. 3. Earthquake lntensity: No more than 8 degrees. 4. Ambient Temperature: No more than +40℃ and no less than -15℃ . Averagetemperature is no more than +35℃ within 24 hours. 5. Relative Humidity: the average daily value is no more than 95%, the averagemonthly value is no more than 90%. 6. Installation locations: without fire,explosion danger,serious pollution,chemical corros...GW1 Outdoor Isolation Switch
Selection Operating conditions 1. The altitude above sea level: 2000m 2. The ambient air temperature: -40℃~40℃ wind speed does not exceed 35m/s. 3. The earthquake intensity does not exceed 8 degrees. 4. The working situation is without frequent violent vibration. 5. The installation site of ordinary type isolator s hould be kept away from gas, smoke chemical deposition, salt-spray fog, dust and other explosive and corrosive maters that affect seriously insulation an...YBM22-12/0.4 Outdoor Prefabricated Substation (EU)
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient air temperature: -10℃ ~+40℃ 2. Altitude: ≤1000m 3. Solar radiation: ≤1000W/m² 4. Ice cover: ≤20mm 5. Wind speed: ≤35m/s 6. Relative humidity: Daily average relative humidity ≤95%. Monthly average relative humidity ≤90% Daily average relative water vapour pressure ≤2.2kPa. Monthly average relative water vapour pressure ≤1.8kPa 7. Earthquake intensity: ≤magnitude 8 8. Applicable in the places without corrosive and flammable gas Note: Customized product...ZW32-24 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Selection Operating conditions 1. Ambient air temperature: The daily temperature variation: -40℃ ~+40℃ diurnal variation of temperature less than 25℃; 2. Altitude: no more than 2000 meters 3. Wind speed is no more than 35m/s (equivalent to 700Pa on the surface of the cylindrical); 4. Ice cover thickness no more than 10mm; 5. The intensity of sunshine not more than 1000W/m ² 6. Pollution degree no more than GB 5582 IV class 7. Seismic intensity does not exceed 8 class 8. No flammable, explosi...